
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Be a Real-Life Hero: How Your $10 Marvel Snap Season Pass Can Make a Difference

Be a Real-Life Hero: How Your $10 Marvel Snap Season Pass Can Make a Difference

Image Prompt:
"Superheroic Angelic Courageous Humanoid Tree Elemental, colorful photorealistic headshot inspired by Marvel characters like Groot and Valkyrie"


This essay is a persuasive piece encouraging Marvel Snap players to use the money they spend on monthly season passes to also make a charitable donation to organizations like Feeding America and One Tree Planted. The essay highlights the positive impact a $10 donation can have, providing 100 meals to families in need or planting 10 trees for a greener future. The goal is to encourage Marvel Snap fans to become real-life heroes by making a small but meaningful contribution to those in need and the environment. This essay was created using ChatGPT. The art featured in this post was created using Stable Diffusion 2 and it depicts Marvel-Style superhero characters inspired by Feeding America and One Tree Planted.

Image Prompt:
"Humanoid Fruit Tree Mutant with fruit based powers wearing a blue and yellow costume and a fruit hat, colorful photorealistic headshot in the style of Marvel characters like X-Man and Groot"

A Call To Action

As fans of Marvel Snap, we all know the thrill of unlocking new superheroes and building powerful decks to save the day in the virtual world. However, what if we could also become real-life heroes by using the same amount of money we spend on the latest season pass to make a positive impact on the world?

With the release of the new $10 Season Pass in February, we have an opportunity to not only enhance our virtual experience but also use that money to help those in need. By also donating $10 to organizations like Feeding America and One Tree Planted, we can provide 100 meals to families struggling with hunger or plant 10 trees, which benefits the environment in numerous ways.

Feeding America is a nonprofit organization that works to end hunger in the United States. With every $10 donation, 100 meals can be provided to families who are struggling to put food on the table. In a world where many people still face hunger and poverty, our small donations can make a big difference in someone's life.

Similarly, One Tree Planted is an environmental charity that focuses on reforestation. With every $10 donation, 10 trees can be planted, which helps with water purification, medicine production, air purification, job creation, and much more. By planting trees, we are not only benefiting the environment but also future generations who will live in a greener and healthier world.

In conclusion, we, as Marvel Snap fans, have the opportunity to make a real difference in the world by spending the same amount of money we spend on the latest season pass to also donate to charities like Feeding America and One Tree Planted. Our small donations can go a long way in helping those in need and improving the environment for future generations. So, let us take this chance to become real-life superheroes and make a positive impact on the world.

Prompt Used To Generate The Call To Action Using ChatGPT

Marvel Snap is an extremely popular superhero mobile game. While Marvel Snap allows you to create and play with decks full of incredible superheroes, playing Marvel Snap doesn't actually let you become a superhero yourself. February is right around the corner and Marvel Snap is going to be releasing a new $10 Season Pass. A $10 donation to Feeding America would provide 100 meals to starving families across the nation. A $10 donation to One Tree Planted would help to plant 10 trees which helps with reforestation, water purification, medicine production, cleaning the air, providing jobs, and a lot more. Write a persuasive essay designed to convince Marvel Snap players to spend the same amount of money they spend every month on the latest Marvel Snap season pass to also donate to charities like Feeding America and One Tree Planted, so that they can become a real superhero. The call to action should be for them to spend the same amount of money they spend in Marvel Snap every month to also donate to a charity like One Tree Planted or Feeding America (We essentially want the reader to match their Season Pass purchase with a charitable donation). The essay should highlight the impact that a $10 donation makes for both charities.

Monday, January 30, 2023

The Bears: My Childhood Paracosm

The Bears: My Childhood Paracosm


When I was a kid, I had a fictional story universe that I used to imagine myself in when I played with my toys. The technical term for a world like this is a paracosm. My paracosm has a lot of lore, so much in fact that it can be fairly difficult to try and remember and sort through all of said lore on the fly. 

This has inspired me to write many, many, many stories about my paracosm. Some of these stories have been lost or misplaced over the years, while others were published years ago as books that are now no longer available for purchase (blame Amazon). In order to keep the memory of my paracosm alive and to share that memory with you, I have decided to try and make this post a memory dump.

 I will try and write down as much as I can about my paracosm in this post. I will set some ground rules though, so that I am not constantly returning to this post and making updates. 

Rule #1: I do not plan on ever updating this post after it is published. Any changes, edits, or additions can simply be made into future posts.

Rule #2: I do not plan on spending more than a single day on this post. I have been publishing a post a day, so I have no intention of breaking my streak by spending a week or more on this post.

Rule #3: This post will not be all encompassing. It would be impossible for me to put everything I remember about my paracosm into this single post, so there will certainly be a lot of information left out that can be further elaborated on in future posts.

Rule #4: This post will take liberties with the original story, without necessarily making any huge changes. Any changes made to the original story will be to make sense of some of the odder parts of the story that otherwise would go unexplained.

This blog is normally reserved for AI generated content. This post however won't be AI generated. It might include AI generated art, but the text itself will be coming directly from my memory.

Now without further ado, let's get things started.


  • Rex (a T-Rex warlock) initiates the war between humans and animals, with the goal of animals enslaving humanity. Both sides quickly realize that they are more or less evenly matched.
  • Rex uses magic to create "The Bears", a group of mystically empowered bear soldiers, to help him win the war.
  • The Bears turn on Rex and use their power to fight for humans and animals to live together peacefully.
  • The land is divided in two. Rex and his shadow ninjas live in Hardville, while humans and animals live together in harmony in Softville.
  • One of The Bears (Solar) decides to leave the team and start a new life in a new land (Greenville).
  • The remaining members of The Bears are adopted by Dr. Bear, a genius scientist (who also happens to be a bear) who lives in the tallest tower in Softville.
  • Dr. Bear's oldest adoptive son, Roo (a kangaroo), is hurt during a battle against Rex and is given cybernetic legs to help him walk again. Roo demonstrates his incredible leadership skills and becomes the leader of the The Bears.
  • The Bears befriend a young kid named Damon, who wishes to one day become a hero just like them.
  • The elementals that light Softville go rogue, and The Bears are mobilized to stop them from tearing apart the land.
  • A climactic battle between The Bears and Rex leads to the elementals breaking free and Softville being burned down. The Bears and Rex being seriously injured, the shadow ninjas going rogue, and many of the people of Softville are temporarily relocated to a new land (Emerald Landing) while the city is rebuilt using more futuristic technology.
  • Damon's family stays in Softville to help with the city's reconstruction. Elemental energy left behind after the great battle forms into a dragon spirit. In need of a host, this dragon spirit merges with Damon. Damon decides to use his newfound powers to protect Softville during the reconstruction period, until The Bears return.
  • Damon slowly learns how to use his powers, as he fights to protect Softville from warring factions of the now divided shadow ninjas who are fighting for control of the city.
  • Rex during this period is recovering from the great battle, using a few loyal shadow ninjas soldiers to take futuristic technology from the reconstruction of Softville to use to build new cybernetic limbs to repair his broken body.
  • While The Bears are recovering from their injuries, Dr. Bear creates two androids (Android Red & Android Blue) to protect Emerald Landing.
  • Emerald Landing is invaded by Rainbow Slimes (Interdimensional symbiotes), who threaten to assimilate and brainwash the populace of Emerald Landing. The Rainbow Slimes are defeated, but Android Red and Android Blue are both heavily damaged in the process.
  • The Bears return to the now rebuilt, futuristic Neo-Softville.
  • Cyber Rex (Rex with his new cybernetic appendages) defeats the leaders of the shadow ninja factions, and once again becomes the singular leader of the shadow ninjas.
  • Damon joins The Bears and takes on the heroic identity of Blue Bolt.
  •  Solar returns to Neo-Softville alongside a group of super-mercenaries, to call upon the help of The Bears to stop an alien invasion from taking over the world. Cyber Rex reluctantly forms a temporary alliance with The Bears to help fight off the alien threat.
  • The aliens are defeated, but Cyber Rex claims the prize they were after (a long lost magical artifact known as the Hourglass Of Time). Cyber Rex uses the artifact to travel back in time and win the war between animals and humans using his incredible cybernetics. The Bears follow Cyber Rex through the time portal, leading to several misadventures across the timeline that ultimately results in the creation of a closed time loop. 

AI Generated Artwork (Created Using Stable Diffusion 2)


Menacing Humanoid T-Rex Warlock wearing wizard robes, colorful photorealistic headshot

Cyber Rex

Menacing Humanoid T-Rex Cyborg covered in burn scars, colorful photorealistic headshot

Olympian (The Bears)

Superheroic Cocky Athletic Humanoid Magical Dark Blue Bear wearing 80s exercise attire, colorful photorealistic headshot

Clover (The Bears)

Superheroic Kindhearted Scrawny Humanoid Magical Light Green Bear dressed like a leprechaun, colorful photorealistic headshot

Solar (The Bears)

Superheroic Confident Powerful Humanoid Radiant Glowing Yellow Bear surrounded by an aura of light wearing white robes and sunglasses, colorful photorealistic headshot

Shadow Ninja

Masked demon ninja grunt muscular warrior made of smoky glowing purple dark cloud-like ominous magical energy, colorful photorealistic headshot


Colorful modern cityscape full of primary color rectangular towers, colorful photorealistic


Colorful futuristic cyberpunk cityscape full of primary color rectangular towers, colorful photorealistic


Menacing dark shadowy magical prehistoric demonic ninja village in a desert wasteland, colorful photorealistic landscape

Dr. Bear

Intelligent wise old humanoid bear scientist wearing glasses and a lab coat, colorful photorealistic headshot

Roo (The Bears)

Courageous friendly smart young brown humanoid kangaroo wearing a blue jean jacket and sunglasses, colorful photorealistic headshot


Young happy athletic boy wearing a black shirt and sunglasses, colorful photorealistic headshot

Blue Bolt (The Bears)

Young athletic man surrounded by a blue dragon shaped aura of gaseous energy wearing black tights and sunglasses, colorful photorealistic headshot


Scrawny Sparking Chaotic Solar lightning black and yellow elemental monster, colorful photorealistic

Emerald Landing

Village of emerald green cabins in the middle of Nevada, colorful photorealistic landscape

Android Blue & Android Red

Superheroic Charismatic Blue Android Man, colorful photorealistic headshot

Superheroic Confident Red Android Young Man, colorful photorealistic headshot

Rainbow Slimes

Menacing Rainbow colored glowing interdimensional slime monster symbiote, colorful photorealistic

Alien Invaders

Menacing villainous metallic wrinkly green muscular humanoid insect with a large black horn, colorful photorealistic headshot

Hourglass Of Time

Legendary ancient magical glowing gold hourglass artifact, colorful photorealistic striking magical high contrast

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Glove of Justice: The Epic Battle Against Zero Gunner

Glove of Justice: The Epic Battle Against Zero Gunner


Jim Bulk is a superhero unlike any other, armed with a special glove that gives him the power to control magnetic forces and protect the world from dangerous threats. When the city is threatened by the ruthless and selfish Zero Gunner, armed with an otherworldly gun that fires bullets made of a mysterious material, Jim rises to the challenge. With two failed attempts to stop Zero Gunner already under his belt, Jim must come up with a new strategy to disarm the villain and save the city. Will he be able to use his powers for good and defeat Zero Gunner, or will the city fall into chaos? Find out in this thrilling and character-driven superhero story filled with action, suspense, and lessons about using your talents for the betterment of others.

This story was created using ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion 2.


Jim Bulk had been fighting evil for years, using his special glove to protect the world from threats that nobody else could see. He was a hero in every sense of the word, with a heart of gold and a determination that was second to none. But today, he was facing his toughest challenge yet.

Zero Gunner had been terrorizing the city for weeks, using his otherworldly gun to rob banks and shoot anyone who dared to get in his way. Jim had tried to stop him before, but Zero Gunner's bullets were unaffected by anything in this world, making it nearly impossible to take him down.

But Jim wasn't the kind of hero who gave up easily. As Zero Gunner walked into the bank, Jim raced to the scene, determined to put an end to the villain's reign of terror once and for all.

He tried two clever strategies, but both failed. The first strategy was to use his glove to push Zero Gunner's bullets away from him, but the bullets were unaffected by Jim's glove and struck him with great force. The second strategy was to use his glove to pull metal objects between him and Zero Gunner to block the bullets, but the bullets phased right through the objects and struck Jim. He was badly wounded and put in a vulnerable position.

But Jim wasn't done yet. He had one final strategy, one that would allow him to disarm Zero Gunner and save the day. He used his glove to pull the gun away from Zero Gunner, and the weapon was suddenly in his hands. With the gun in his possession, Jim launched a barrage of metal objects at Zero Gunner, knocking him out and saving the day.

As Jim lay on the ground, recovering from his wounds, he thought about the lessons that he had learned. Zero Gunner had been driven by his own selfish desires, using his powers for his own gain, without a thought for the consequences. But Jim had used his powers for the greater good, risking everything to save the people of the city from harm.

He realized that being a superhero wasn't just about having powers or special items, but about using those gifts responsibly. It was about using what makes you special to make the world a better place, and not to selfishly satisfy your own desires. And as he walked away from the scene, with the city safe once again, Jim knew that he had fulfilled his purpose as a hero.

The End.

Prompt Used To Generate Story

Write a 500 word, action-packed, suspenseful, character driven, superhero story, designed to appeal to American men age 18-24, based on the following outline. This story should help introduce both characters to the audience, giving them a good idea of their motivations and powers. The main fight of the story should be very detailed, tense, and exciting. The story should compare and contrast both character's personalities, and teach a moral lesson about using one's talents responsibly for the betterment of others. The writing style used for the story should be sophisticated and mature.

Main Character: Jim Bulk is a man equipped with a special glove that allows him to fire electromagnetic pulses from the palm of his hand. He can use this glove to shutdown surrounding electronic devices, and to pull toward or push away fairly small magnetic objects in the environment. He wants to use this special glove to protect the world from otherworldly beings that threaten to bring about the apocalypse. 

Antagonist: Zero Gunner is a man with an otherworldly gun from another dimension. What makes his gun special, is that it fires bullets that are made of a material that doesn't exist. These bullets are completely unaffected by anything that exists in our world, but are just as lethal as your average bullet. Zero Gunner is a selfish man who uses his gun to acquire anything and everything that he desires, by shooting anything or anyone that gets in his way.

Conflict: Jim Bulk is struggling to stop Zero Gunner from robbing a bank. Jim comes up with two clever and unique strategies, but both fail. The first strategy was to try and use his glove to push Zero Gunner's bullets away from him, but Zero Gunner's bullets were unaffected by Jim's glove and struck him with great force. The second strategy was to try and use his glove to pull metal objects between him and Zero Gunner to block Zero Gunner's bullets, but Zero Gunner's bullets were unaffected by the objects pulled into their path, phased through those objects, and struck Jim. Jim is badly wounded and put in a vulnerable position.

Resolution: Jim comes up with one final strategy, that allows him to use his special glove to disarm Zero Gunner of his gun and defeat him. His final strategy was to use his glove to pull Zero Gunner's gun away from him. This works because Zero Gunner's gun isn't made out of the same material as his bullets. This allows Jim to take down Zero Gunner by launching a series of metal objects at him using his glove. These objects act as projectiles that incapacitate and knock out Zero Gunner. The day is saved.

Prompt Used To Generate Cover Image

Otherworldly glowing futuristic gun floating in front of a collapsing hellish apocalyptic city, sleek dark intense colorful photorealistic

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Gadget of the Gods: The Battle Against the Gremlin Spirit

Gadget of the Gods: The Battle Against the Gremlin Spirit


"Gadget of the Gods" is an action-packed and suspenseful Mystic Hero story about a young man named Daniel Jackman who dreams of becoming a superhero. With the help of his best friend, a talented, hobbyist inventor skilled at creating electromagnetic gadgets, he sets out to attain superpowers through a special gadget that uses electromagnetism to help put his mind in a meditative state. But when a menacing gremlin spirit with an insatiable urge to dismantle and destroy threatens to plunge the city into darkness, Daniel must put his newfound abilities to the test. Will he be able to overcome the impossible and save the city? Follow Daniel on his thrilling journey as he discovers the true power of the individual to make a difference in the world, and the importance of connecting to your Higher Self through meditation. With high-stakes battles and imaginative world-building, "Gadget of the Gods" is a story that will leave you on the edge of your seat and inspire you to unlock your own inner strength.

This story was generated using ChatGPT and the cover image was generated using Stable Diffusion 2.


Daniel Jackman had always dreamed of becoming a superhero, but his attempts at unlocking psychic abilities through meditation had been fruitless. Desperate for a solution, he turned to his best friend, a talented, hobbyist inventor skilled at creating electromagnetic gadgets. Together, they brainstormed multiple ideas for a special gadget that would give Daniel the powers he needed to become a superhero, but they all seemed either too dangerous or too expensive.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Daniel's friend had a breakthrough. He created a special gadget that used electromagnetism to put Daniel's mind in a meditative state, allowing him to finally connect to his Higher Self and unlock his abilities.

Excited by his newfound powers, Daniel went out on patrol as a superhero for the first time. As he patrolled the city, he encountered the spirit of a menacing gremlin with an insatiable urge to dismantle and destroy. The gremlin spirit ripped apart Daniel's helmet, leaving him disheartened and believing that without his helmet, he couldn't connect to his Higher Self.

The gremlin went on a rampage across the city, tearing apart all technology in its path. It threatened to plunge the entire city back into the Dark Ages. Daniel's friend encouraged him to remember what it felt like to connect to his Higher Self and to try to do so without the helmet.

With the help of his friend, Daniel was able to reconnect to his Higher Self. With his abilities restored, Daniel intercepted the gremlin spirit and blocked its path. It was now up to Daniel to save the city.

The gremlin spirit stood before Daniel, its eyes glowing with a sinister light as it let out a deafening screech. Daniel knew he had to act fast if he wanted to save the city from destruction.

He charged towards the gremlin, using his newfound powers to create a shield of energy around himself. The gremlin's claws raked against the shield, but it held strong. Daniel retaliated with a blast of energy, but the gremlin was too quick and dodged out of the way.

The gremlin let out a mocking cackle as it lunged at Daniel again. This time, Daniel tried a different strategy and used his powers to create a powerful gust of wind that sent the gremlin flying backwards. The gremlin quickly regained its footing and charged towards Daniel once more.

Daniel was starting to feel like he was on the defensive, the gremlin's attacks became faster and more ferocious. He realized that the gremlin was immune to his energy blasts, so he decided to try a new approach.

He focused on his connection to his Higher Self, and using the power he felt flowing through him, he reached out to the gremlin's spirit. He could feel the gremlin's anger and hatred, and he knew that the only way to defeat it was to neutralize those emotions.

Daniel began to project feelings of peace and love towards the gremlin, and as he did, he could see the gremlin's expression change. Its eyes lost their fiery glow and its claws stopped mid-air. The gremlin let out a final screech, then disappeared into thin air.

Daniel was victorious and the city was saved. In the end, Daniel realized that the true key to unlocking his powers and defeating the gremlin spirit was not just relying on technology but also on his connection to his Higher Self. Through meditation and focusing on inner peace, he was able to tap into a deeper level of power and overcome the impossible. This experience taught him that everyone has the potential to access their own inner strength and make a difference in the world, just like a mystichero. Take inspiration from Daniel's journey and explore your own connection to your Higher Self through meditation. This is a call to action for you to discover your own powers, and to use them to make the world a better place.

Prompt Used To Generate Story

Mystic Hero Fiction is a new genre that combines visionary fiction, superhero fantasy, YA and action/suspense. It features superpowered beings with secret identities who use their powers to fight against evil forces, while also encouraging the reader to connect to their Higher Self through meditation and New Age mysticism. The target audience is young adults and the genre is characterized by themes of self-discovery, personal growth and the power of the individual to make a difference in the world, with an emphasis on the importance of community, suspenseful and action-packed conflicts and imaginative and unique world-building. The fight scenes in this genre are notable for being incredibly detailed, suspenseful, and strategic. The main character's trump card for overcoming the story's major conflict, is always their ability to ignite their divine spark and connect to their Higher Self through meditation in order to give them the upper hand in battle. Every Mystic Hero story ends with a call to action for the reader to meditate in order to connect to their Higher Self and achieve spiritual enlightenment. 

Write an original Mystic Hero story based on the outline below:
Main Character: Daniel Jackman is a young man who wants to become a superhero. He has been regularly meditating in an attempt to unlock psychic abilities, but he has had little to no success. He is now looking into other options for attaining superpowers.  
Conflict: Daniel Jackman wants his best friend, a talented, hobbyist inventor skilled at creating electromagnetic gadgets, to build him a special gadget that would allow him to become a superhero. The two brainstorm multiple ideas, but they all seem like they I'd either be too dangerous or too expensive. 
Resolution: Daniel's friend creates a special gadget for him that uses electromagnetism to help put his mind in a meditative state. This new gadget helps Daniel connect to his Higher Self and finally unlock the abilities he needs to become a superhero. Daniel goes out on patrol using his newfound powers, and he encounters the spirit of a menacing gremlin with an insatiable urge to dismantle and destroy. The gremlin spirit tears apart Daniel's helmet. Daniel becomes disheartened, believing that without his helmet that he can't connect to his Higher Self. The gremlin goes on a rampage across the city, tearing apart all technology in his path. If the gremlin isn't stopped, the entire city will be plunged into darkness and destroyed. Daniel's friend encourages Daniel to remember what it felt like to connect to his Higher Self and to try to do so without the helmet. With the help of his friend, Daniel is able to reconnect to his Higher Self. Daniel uses his powers to stop the gremlin spirit before it can dismantle the city's power station.

Prompt Used To Generate Cover Image

Futuristic helmet made out of advanced technology surrounded by debris and a glowing white aura, photorealistic colorful high contrast warm tones of gold orange white

Friday, January 27, 2023

Mystic Hero: A Brand New Genre

Mystic Hero: A Brand New Genre


The following is a breakdown of a new genre of fiction, Mystic Hero (Mystichero), created using ChatGPT. The image featured in this post was created using Stable Diffusion 2


What Is Mystic Hero (Mystichero) Fiction?

Mystic Hero Fiction is a new genre that combines visionary fiction, superhero fantasy, YA and action/suspense. It features superpowered beings with secret identities who use their powers to fight against evil forces, while also encouraging the reader to connect to their Higher Self through meditation and New Age mysticism. The target audience is young adults and the genre is characterized by themes of self-discovery, personal growth and the power of the individual to make a difference in the world, with an emphasis on the importance of community, suspenseful and action-packed conflicts and imaginative and unique world-building. 

The fight scenes in this genre are notable for being incredibly detailed, suspenseful, and strategic. The main character's trump card for overcoming the story's major conflict, is always their ability to ignite their divine spark and connect to their Higher Self through meditation in order to give them the upper hand in battle. Every Mystic Hero story ends with a call to action for the reader to meditate in order to connect to their Higher Self and achieve spiritual enlightenment. 

The Difference Between Mysticheroes & Superheroes

Mystichero and superhero are two distinct genres that share some similarities but also have significant differences. Both genres feature characters with extraordinary abilities who use their powers to fight against evil forces and protect the innocent. However, where superhero stories focus on the physical and external battles of the characters, mystichero stories delve into the internal and spiritual battles of the characters.

The main difference between the two genres is the emphasis on spirituality in mystichero stories. In these stories, the characters possess a divine spark, which is a connection to their Higher Self. They use meditation to tap into this connection and gain access to their full potential. This spiritual aspect is integral to the plot and is often used as a powerful tool for the characters to overcome their conflicts. The ultimate goal of mystichero stories is to inspire the reader to start practicing meditation to connect with their Higher Self and achieve spiritual enlightenment.

Superhero stories, on the other hand, focus more on the physical abilities and actions of the characters. The characters' abilities are usually gained through scientific means, such as genetic mutation or exposure to radiation. While there may be some philosophical or moral themes in superhero stories, the primary focus is on the action and adventure of the characters.

Another key difference between the two genres is the target audience. Superhero stories are often geared towards a broader audience, including both children and adults, while mystichero stories are primarily targeted towards young adults. This is due to the more mature themes and concepts present in mystichero stories, such as self-discovery, personal growth, and the power of the individual to make a difference in the world.

In terms of world-building, both genres have unique and imaginative settings, but mystichero stories have a greater emphasis on creating a believable and immersive world that reflects the spiritual themes of the story. The fight scenes in mystichero stories are also notable for being incredibly detailed, suspenseful, and strategic, as the characters use their spiritual connection to gain the upper hand in battle.

In conclusion, while mystichero and superhero stories share some similarities, such as featuring characters with extraordinary abilities and fighting against evil forces, they also have significant differences in terms of their emphasis on spirituality, target audience, and world-building. The ultimate goal of mystichero stories is to inspire the reader to start practicing meditation and connect with their Higher Self, while superhero stories focus more on the physical abilities and actions of the characters.

How To Write Your Own Mystic Hero (Mystichero) Stories

When it comes to creating a Mystic Hero story, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the genre combines elements of visionary fiction, superhero fantasy, YA, and action/suspense. With this in mind, there are a few key elements to consider when coming up with ideas for your story.

First, think about the setting of your story. This can be a real-world location, or it can be a completely imagined world. When choosing a setting, consider the themes and motifs that you want to explore in your story. For example, if you want to explore themes of self-discovery and personal growth, you might choose a setting that is symbolic of these themes, such as a mystical forest or a hidden cave.

Next, consider the characters in your story. The main character should be a superpowered being with a secret identity who uses their powers to fight against evil forces. This character should have a clear motivation for their actions and a strong sense of morality. They should also be relatable to the audience. Additionally, think about the other characters in your story, such as the villain and the supporting characters. They should also be well-developed and have clear motivations for their actions.

Once you have your setting and characters in place, think about the conflicts that will drive your story. These conflicts should be both internal and external. The external conflict should be a struggle against an evil force, while the internal conflict should be the main character's struggle to connect to their Higher Self through meditation and achieve spiritual enlightenment. The conflicts should be suspenseful and action-packed and should be driven by the characters' motivations and desires.

Finally, think about the resolution of your story. The resolution should be satisfying and should tie together all the themes and motifs that you have explored throughout the story. The main character should have overcome the story's major conflict and achieved spiritual enlightenment. Additionally, the story should end with a call to action for the reader to meditate in order to connect to their Higher Self and achieve spiritual enlightenment.

In summary, when creating a Mystic Hero story, consider the setting, characters, conflicts and resolutions. Your setting should be symbolic of the themes and motifs you want to explore, your characters should be well-developed and relatable, your conflicts should be suspenseful and action-packed, driven by the character's motivations and desires, and your resolution should be satisfying and tie together all the themes and motifs explored throughout the story. And remember, every Mystic Hero story ends with a call to action for the reader to meditate in order to connect to their Higher Self and achieve spiritual enlightenment.

Concept For A Distinct Visual Style For Mystic Hero Art

The visual style for Mystic Hero artwork could be called "Divine Illumination". This style would feature bold, bright colors, with a focus on warm tones such as golds, oranges, and yellows to represent the divine spark and spiritual enlightenment that is central to the genre. The characters, especially the main character, would be depicted with an aura of light around them, symbolizing their connection to their Higher Self. The action scenes would be depicted in dynamic, detailed illustrations that capture the suspense and strategic elements of the battles. The illustrations would also incorporate elements of nature, such as flowers, trees, and animals, to represent the connection to the natural world and the importance of community in the genre. Overall, the artwork would convey a sense of transcendence and spiritual empowerment, with the goal of inspiring the reader to connect to their own Higher Self through meditation.

Color Pallet

The Rise of the Modern Monkey King: A New Age Superhero Fantasy

The Rise of the Modern Monkey King: A New Age Superhero Fantasy


"The Rise of the Modern Monkey King" is a thrilling, new-age superhero fantasy that will take readers on a journey through the streets of New York City. Meet Mark King, a freshman in college who is into hip-hop, superhero comics, fighting games, and New Age literature. He's a good student, but has a tendency to hyper-focus on things that can distract him from his studies. 

When Mark starts having vivid dreams of a past life, the life of his ancestor Sun Wukong: The Monkey King, he becomes obsessed with finding a hidden temple located somewhere in New York City. This temple holds Wukong's legendary staff, Jingu Bang, and scroll of spells, The 72 Transformations, that allow the user to shape shift into anything they can imagine. Mark knows that this hidden temple is located somewhere in New York, City but he isn't sure where. 

Will he be able to find the temple and connect with his Higher Self before it's too late? This story is perfect for anyone who loves superhero stories, fantasy, and a touch of new-age mysticism. It's a journey of self-discovery, protection and inner power. Don't miss out on this exciting tale and share it with your friends.

This story was generated using ChatGPT and the cover image was generated using Stable Diffusion 2.


Mark King, a freshman in college, had always been fascinated by the world of comics and fantasy. He loved nothing more than diving into the world of superheroes and immersing himself in the stories of incredible powers and epic battles. But there was one thing that had been gnawing at him lately, a mystery that he just couldn't shake.

Mark had been having vivid dreams of a past life, the life of his ancestor Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King. In these dreams, Mark could see a hidden temple, deep in the heart of New York City, where Sun Wukong's legendary staff, the Jingu Bang, and his scroll of spells, the 72 Transformations, lay hidden. Mark knew that these artifacts held immense power, and that with them, he could shape shift into anything he could imagine.

But there was a problem: Mark didn't know where the temple was. He had searched high and low, scouring the streets of New York for any clues, but he had yet to find any. His constant questing had gotten in the way of his studies, and he knew that if he couldn't find the temple soon, his tendency to hyper-fixate on things would prevent him from focusing on his grades and he would surely fail.

One day, while reading a book on meditation, Mark stumbled upon the concept of the Higher Self. The Higher Self, he learned, was the divine spark that everyone had, that could be connected with through meditation. The Higher Self was the gateway to becoming one with the universe, and Mark realized that if he could connect to his Higher Self, he could ascertain the location of the temple from the universe itself.

At first, Mark struggled to connect with his Higher Self. He tried several different meditation techniques, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, he discovered a guided meditation script that promised to take him on an inner journey of death and rebirth. Mark closed his eyes and began to visualize his own death, his body slowly disintegrating until there was nothing left but his divine spark. And then, just as he was about to give up hope, he felt something shift deep within him. His divine spark ignited, and he was spiritually reborn as his Higher Self.

With his newfound connection to the universe, Mark was able to psychically ascertain the location of the hidden temple. It was in the heart of New York City, hidden beneath an old abandoned factory. Mark knew that he had to go there immediately. He raced to the factory and made his way inside, his heart pounding with excitement.

The temple was just as he had seen it in his dreams, and there, in the center of the room, was the Jingu Bang and the scroll of spells. Mark picked them up, and as he did, he felt the power of the Monkey King flow through him. He knew that with these artifacts, he could shape shift into anything he could imagine.

With a newfound determination, Mark left the temple and returned to his studies. He was no longer blinded by obsession, and he was able to focus on his grades and raise them significantly. But he knew that his journey was far from over. He would use the power of the Jingu Bang and the 72 Transformations to protect not only himself, but the entire universe, from the forces of evil. Mark King, the reincarnation of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, was ready to make his mark on the world.

Prompt Used For Generating Story

Write a 500 word, new age, visionary, YA, superhero, fantasy short story based on the following criteria.

Setting: New York, New York USA

Main Character: Mark King is a freshman in college who is into hip-hop, superhero comics, fighting games, New Age literature and meditation. He is a good student, but he has a tendency to hyper-fixate on things which can distract him from his studies. 

Conflict: Mark King has been having dreams of a past life, the life of his ancestor Sun Wukong: The Monkey King. In his dreams he can see a hidden temple, where Sun Wukong's legendary staff (The Jingu Bang, which can change size based on the wielder's will) and his scroll of spells (The 72 Transformations) that allow the user to shape shift into anything they can imagine. Mark knows that this hidden temple is located somewhere in New York, City but he isn't sure where. He has searched high and low, but he has so far had no luck. His constant questing has gotten in the way of his schoolwork. If he can't find the temple soon, his tendency to hyper-fixate on things will prevent him from focusing on his grades and he will surely fail.  

Resolution: Mark while reading a book on meditation, learns about the concept of the Higher Self. The Higher Self is the divine spark that everyone has, that can be connected with through meditation. The Higher Self is the gateway to becoming one with the universe. Mark realizes that if he could connect to his Higher Self, he could ascertain the location of the temple from the universe itself. At first Mark struggles to connect with his Higher Self, trying several different meditation techniques. Finally he discovers a guided meditation script, which he uses to go on an inner journey of death and rebirth. Visualizing his own death, his divine spark ignites and he is spiritually reborn as his Higher Self. Using his newfound connection to the universe, he is able to psychically ascertain the location of the hidden temple. Now with access to the legendary staff and scroll of spells that belonged to his ancestor, he is now determined to use their might to protect himself and the universe. No longer blinded by obsession, Mark was able to finally focus on his studies and raise his grades.

Prompt Used For Generating Cover Image

Monkey King reincarnated as a heroic modern American superhero wearing a black and gold suit with a large golden sunburst symbol on it, striking high contrast photorealistic New Age psychedelic headshot traditional and modern stylistic blend with bright colors and swirling patterns.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Reborn: The Stomach Bug Superhero's Ultimate Battle for Survival

Reborn: The Stomach Bug Superhero's Ultimate Battle for Survival


"Reborn: The Stomach Bug Superhero's Ultimate Battle for Survival" is a thrilling and inspiring story about a young superhero, John, who is faced with the ultimate test of his determination and willpower. When a stomach bug debilitates him and threatens to take him out of commission, he must turn to meditation and the power of his Higher Self to overcome the impossible and save the world from an apocalyptic demon. This story is not only action-packed, but also delves into themes of hope, determination, and the power of meditation, which will resonate with readers who are into suspenseful superhero stories and those who are interested in spiritual or philosophical concepts. Join John on his journey to become a true hero, and discover the power of the mind to overcome any obstacle.

This story was created using ChatGPT and the cover image for this story was created using Stable Diffusion 2.

Recommended Audience

"Reborn: The Stomach Bug Superhero's Ultimate Battle for Survival" is likely to appeal to American men ages 18-24 who are interested in suspenseful superhero stories and themes of hope, determination, and the power of meditation. It may also resonate with people who have experienced similar physical challenges and found inspiration in overcoming them. Additionally, the story's themes of connection to the Higher Self and the power of the universe may also attract readers who are interested in spiritual or philosophical concepts. 


It was a typical morning for John, a young and ambitious superhero, until he woke up feeling terrible. His balance was off, he had no appetite and his stomach was in knots. But, being the determined hero he was, he decided to push through the day and fight crime as usual.

As he patrolled the streets, John couldn't shake off the feeling of nausea and weakness. His powers, which he had always relied on, were failing him. He found himself struggling to keep up with the demands of being a superhero.

Just when things seemed dire, an apocalyptic demon appeared and threatened to destroy the planet. John knew he had to act fast, but his stomach bug was making it impossible for him to fight. He felt like all he could do was sit on the bathroom floor next to the toilet.

As he sat there, feeling defeated, something unexpected happened. A vision of a water spirit appeared in the toilet bowl and spoke to him. "You must meditate and be reborn," the spirit said. "The only way to overcome your stomach bug and save the world is to let go of your sense of self and connect to your Higher Self, your divine spark."

John closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He visualized himself being completely overcome by the stomach bug, resulting in his own death. As his sense of self faded away, he felt a sense of oneness with the universe.

To his surprise, when he opened his eyes, his stomach bug had miraculously vanished. He felt rejuvenated and ready to take on the demon. With renewed strength and clarity, John battled the demon and saved the world.

The experience taught him a valuable lesson about the power of meditation and being in tune with the universe. John knew that he could always rely on his Higher Self to guide him, even in the toughest of situations.

Prompt Used To Generate Story

I woke up this morning with terrible balance, no appetite, and feeling absolutely sick to my stomach. Regardless, I decided to push through my work day and persevere. I am proud of myself for being able to work under these conditions. I want to create a superhero story for my blog based on my experience, that also acts as a visionary fiction story. I want this story to appeal to American men age 18-24, who are into suspenseful superhero stories. The main character should be a sick superhero, who is struggling to fight crime due to a stomach bug. The antagonist of the story should be an apocalyptic demon that threatens to destroy the planet. The superhero's stomach bug causes them to lose control of their powers, and debilitates them to the point where they feel like all they can do is sit on the bathroom floor next to the toilet. The superhero looks into the toilet, a water spirit appears and tells the superhero that the only way they can overcome their stomach bug in time to save the world is to meditate and be reborn. The superhero closes their eyes and focuses on their breathing. They visualize themselves being completely overcome by the stomach bug, resulting in their own death. Their sense of self fades away and the superhero suddenly feels at one with universe. Connected to their Higher Self, their divine spark, the superhero's stomach bug seems to miraculously vanish. Cured, the superhero is able to battle the apocalyptic demon and save the world. Could you write this story for me based on the criteria and story beats described above? 

Prompt Used To Generate Cover Image

Beautiful liquid female humanoid blue glowing elemental water spirit rising out of an open toilet bowl, striking photorealistic image with contrasting colors

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Transcendence: The Story of a Man with the Power to Transform into a Car and the Inner Journey to Discover his True Self

Transcendence: The Story of a Man with the Power to Transform into a Car and the Inner Journey to Discover his True Self


Unlock the power of the mind with "Transcendence" on Jet Black RLSH Publishing. Dive into a story of a man with the power to transform into a car and the inner journey he takes to discover his true self. This story was inspired by a tweet by Dan Slott about some of the more horrific implications of being a man who can turn into a car. This story was created using ChatGPT and the cover image for this story was created using Stable Diffusion 2.

Recommended Audience

This story would likely appeal to American men age 18-24 who are fans of superhero stories. The story features a protagonist with a unique and powerful ability, a clear conflict, and a journey of self-discovery. The story also has elements of science fiction and fantasy, with the protagonist's transformation and the exploration of the power of the mind. Additionally, the story has a positive message of transcending limitations and embracing the unknown, which may resonate with readers in this age group who are still discovering themselves and their place in the world.


Once there was a man named John, who had a strange and terrifying power. He could transform into a car at will, but this ability came at a great cost. He was incredibly ill as a man and as a car, and the world's greatest doctors and mechanics were too afraid to help him. They feared that he might accidentally transform into a car during surgery, or transform into a man during a car repair. 

John was consumed by fear and hopelessness. He felt isolated and alone, as no one understood his condition or was willing to take the risk of helping him. He knew that he was dying, and there seemed to be no way to stop it.

One day, as John lay on his deathbed, he was visited by the wise and ancient spirit of one of his ancestors. The spirit spoke to him of the power of the mind, and how it could be used to heal the body and the spirit. The spirit told John that the only way to cure himself, was to expand his consciousness beyond the limits of normal human perception, and to psychically heal himself.

John was skeptical at first, but as he lay there dying, he had nothing to lose. He began to read visionary literature, to meditate, and to spend more time visualizing the spiritual world that exists within his own mind. He focused on the spiritual world, rather than the decaying state of his physical form.

As he visualized and meditated, John began to feel a change within himself. He found the corpse of his human form surrounded by the dismantled parts of his car form. He visualized the two coming together, and when he opened his eyes, he felt better than ever. He looked in the mirror and discovered that he had transformed into a humanoid robot. He had finally discovered his true form and connected with his higher self.

John realized that he had to die, so that he could be reborn. He had to let go of his fear and hopelessness, and embrace the unknown. He understood that the inner journey was one that we must all take, if we wish to expand our consciousness and become something more.

John left his home and set out into the world, determined to use his newfound powers to help others. He traveled the world, sharing his story and teaching others about the power of the mind. He became a beacon of hope for those who were struggling with their own fears and doubts.

He had gone from a weak and frail human, to a powerful and wise being. He had transcended the limitations of his physical form, and had discovered the true power of the mind. He had become a true superhero, and the world would never be the same.

Prompt Used To Generate Story

Write a 500 word, visionary fiction story (for American men age 18-24 who love superhero stories), about a sick man with the power to transform into a car at will who the world's greatest doctors and mechanics are too afraid to help. The main character at the beginning of the story should be completely consumed by his fear of the unknown. Doctors refuse to help him because they fear that he might accidentally transform into a car during surgery. Mechanics refuse to help him because they fear that he might accidentally transform back into a human during a car repair. The main character doesn't possess the skills to try and heal his human body, or repair his car form. He is dying. He feels hopeless and isolated. Just when it seems like all hope is lost, he is approached by a wise and ancient spirit who teaches him about the power of mind over matter. The main character quickly realizes that the only way for him to cure himself, is to expand his consciousness beyond the limits of normal human perception so that he can psychically heal himself. He begins reading visionary literature, meditating, and spending more time visualizing the spiritual world that exists within his own mind than focusing on the decaying state of his physical form. While in his inner world he finds the corpse of his human form surrounded by the dismantled parts of his car form. He visualizes the two coming together, and when he opens his eyes he feels better than ever. He looks in the mirror and discovers that he has transformed into a humanoid robot. He has finally discovered his true form and connected with his higher self. He had to die, so that he could be reborn. That is the inner journey that we must all take, if we wish to expand our consciousness and become something more.

Prompt Used To Generate Image

Confident humanoid male robot standing with his arms crossed in front of a sleek futuristic car, colorful photorealistic futuristic sleek

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Unlock Your Inner Superhero: How Mindfulness Meditation Can Give You Real-Life Superpowers

Unlock Your Inner Superhero: How Mindfulness Meditation Can Give You Real-Life Superpowers


Unleash your inner superhero! Learn how mindfulness meditation can give you real-life superpowers. This story was generated using ChatGPT and was inspired by "Superhero or Supervillain?" and "Mindfulness Training: Can It Create Superheroes?". The cover image for this story was created using Stable Diffusion 2.

Recommended Audience

The target audience of this story is American men aged 18-24, who are fans of superhero fiction. They would be the most interested in reading and sharing this story as it offers a unique perspective on how they can acquire superpowers like their favorite comic book characters through the practice of mindfulness meditation. They may be fans of comics and movies, and would be intrigued by the idea of being able to acquire superpowers in real life.


You've always dreamed of having superpowers, haven't you? Imagine being able to fly, to have super strength, or to be able to read minds. Well, I have some great news for you. Recent scientific studies have shown that it is possible for people to acquire superpowers through mindfulness meditation. That's right, you too can become a superhero, just like your favorite comic book characters.

In 2012, Stanford Researchers conducted a study in which they used virtual reality to give their subjects simulated superpowers. They found that those who were granted simulated powers acquired benevolent tendencies that persisted even after the simulation. This means that when people acquire superpowers, they become more compassionate and understanding of others, which is exactly what we need in the world today.

In 2019, a research paper was published called "Mindfulness Training: Can It Create Superheroes?" This study found evidence that people who practice mindfulness meditation can exhibit indicators of advanced functioning and possible paranormal functionality. In other words, mindfulness meditation can give you superpowers.

I know you're thinking, "But I don't have the time to meditate, I'm too busy." But here's the thing, mindfulness meditation is easy and doesn't take a lot of time. All you need is a few minutes a day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. That's it. And the benefits are enormous. Mindfulness meditation can help you become more resilient, focused, and creative. It can help you overcome obstacles and think outside the box. It can also help you appreciate the beauty of simplicity and the power of hard work.

Think about it, if you had superpowers, you could make a real difference in the world. You could help those in need, fight for justice, and make the world a better place. And with mindfulness meditation, you can acquire those superpowers. So, put down the controller, turn off the TV, and give mindfulness meditation a try. Who knows, you might just surprise yourself and become a real-life superhero.

Prompt Used To Generate The Story

Stanford Researchers is 2012 did a study to determine how acquiring superpowers could affect the morality of humans. They used VR to give their subjects simulated superpowers. The study showed that those who were granted simulated powers acquired benevolent tendencies that persisted even after the simulation. In 2019, a peer-reviewed research paper was published called "Mindfulness Training: Can It Create Superheroes?". This study found a growing base of evidence suggesting that some people who practice mindfulness meditation exhibited indicators of advanced functioning and possible paranormal functionality. These studies together show that it possible for people to attain superpowers, and that when people acquire superpowers they become more benevolent. Write a 500 word, persuasive essay, to convince the people of the world to practice mindfulness meditation so that everyone on Earth can become a superhero and make the world a better place. 

Prompt Used To Generate The Cover Image

Heroic man surrounded by a colorful aura meditating in the center of a cityscape, photorealistic colorful

Monday, January 23, 2023

The Daemonic Debate: A Philosophical Friendship in Question

The Daemonic Debate: A Philosophical Friendship in Question


Are you intrigued by the debate between faith and philosophy? This story tells the tale of two friends, one a Christian philosopher and the other, a philosopher who had a profound experience with daemons, as they fiercely debate the existence and purpose of daemons. As they struggle to understand each other's point of view, it leads to the question of whether their friendship can survive the differences in their beliefs or not. 

It's a thought-provoking read that will make you question your own beliefs and values.This is an AI generated story created using ChatGPT. The cover image for this story was created using Avyn (Stable Diffusion 2).

Target Audience

A story like this one would likely be enjoyed by people who are interested in philosophy, religion, and the concept of personification. It would also be enjoyed by people who enjoy debates and discussions about different belief systems and their impact on the world. Additionally, people who enjoy stories about friendship and the challenges that different beliefs can bring to a relationship may also find this story enjoyable.


Chris Shepard: "Damian, my dear friend, I cannot believe the words that are coming out of your mouth. Daemons? You truly believe in such nonsense? You know as well as I do that they are nothing more than demons in disguise."

Damian Artifex: "Chris, please, hear me out. I know that our views on religion differ, but I ask that you keep an open mind. Daemons are not demons, they are the personifications of concepts. They are the embodiment of the things that drive us to create and innovate. They are the spark that ignites the fire of our creativity."

Chris Shepard: "You speak of daemons as if they have a purpose, as if they are real. But they are nothing more than figments of our imagination. They serve no purpose in the modern world and are nothing more than a distraction from the true path to salvation."

Damian Artifex: "Chris, you cannot deny the power of concepts. They exist, whether you believe in daemons or not. They drive us to think critically and solve problems. And as for their purpose in the modern world, they are essential in the advancement of humanity. They are what sets us apart from the animals."

Chris Shepard: "You speak of concepts as if they are some sort of higher power. But they are nothing more than ideas. The only true power is the power of God. And anyone who works with daemons is better off renouncing them and picking up a copy of the Bible."

Damian Artifex: "Chris, I respect your beliefs, but please respect mine as well. I am not renouncing my beliefs in daemons, and I do not expect you to renounce your beliefs in God. We all have the right to practice or believe in any religion we desire, as long as it does not harm ourselves or others."

Chris Shepard: "I understand where you are coming from, Damian. But I cannot accept your beliefs. I fear that our differing views will ultimately drive us apart."

Damian Artifex: "I fear the same, Chris. But perhaps it is for the best. We can agree to disagree and continue on our separate paths, but I will always remember our friendship with fondness."

Chris Shepard: "As will I, Damian. I wish you all the best on your journey, my friend."

And with that, the two philosophers sadly went their separate ways, forever changed by their heated debate.

ChatGPT Prompt Used To Generate Story

Write a long and passionate dialogue between two philosophers in a heated debate. The first philosopher is a man named Chris Shepard. Chris Shepard is a Christian philosopher, who doesn't understand the difference between a daemon and a demon. The second philosopher is a man named Damian Artifex. Damian Artifex is a philosopher who has recently had a profound and seemingly miraculous experience, that has opened his eyes to the true beauty of daemons. Chris Shepard argues that daemons do not exist, that daemons serve no purpose in the modern world, and that anyone who works with daemons is better off renouncing daemons and picking up a copy of the bible. Damian Artifex argues that daemons are the personifications of concepts, that everyone works with concepts on a regular basis in order to creatively solve problems in the modern world, that concepts exist, and that people should be free to practice or believe in any religion they desire as long as they don't harm themselves or others. Chris and Damian used to be close friends, but their differing views are causing them to drift away from each other. The dialogue should end with both philosophers agreeing to disagree, and sadly going their separate ways.

Stable Diffusion 2 Prompt Used To Generate Cover Image

Glowing spectral blue cosmic conceptual faceless humanoid giant being looming over the Earth, colorful photorealistic 

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