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Saturday, January 7, 2023

Be the Hero Our Nation Needs: How to Use Your Spiritual Gifts to Protect the Innocent

Be the Hero Our Nation Needs: How to Use Your Spiritual Gifts to Protect the Innocent


The message included in this post is not AI generated, but it was rated and reviewed by ChatGPT. I used the feedback given by the AI, to improve this message and try to make it more persuasive. The intended audience for this message are American Christians who believe that believers in Christ in our modern world possess spiritual gifts, extraordinary powers given by the Holy Spirit. 

This message is especially for those who haven't taken an assessment to discover what their spiritual gifts are, and for those who want to protect the nation and make it a safer place to live in. If you believe that you are in the target audience for this message, then definitely check it out. If you don't believe that you are in the target audience, then feel free to skip this post and check out one of the other posts on this blog.

The image used for this blog post was created using Avyn (Stable Diffusion 2) using the prompt "Heroic benevolent athletic masked holy female superhero wearing white gold tights with a golden holy plus symbol on the chest in front of an explosion, dynamic colorful photorealistic".

The Message

This message is for American Christians who believe that believers in Christ in our modern world possess spiritual gifts, extraordinary powers given by the Holy Spirit. This message is especially for those who haven't taken an assessment to discover what their spiritual gifts are, and for those who want to protect the nation and make it a safer place to live in. The goal of this message is not to convince you to believe in spiritual gifts, because if you don't believe in spiritual gifts this message isn't for you. The goal of this message is not to convince you to want to make the nation a safer place, if you don't already want to do that then this message is not for you. The goal of this message is to convince you to become a superhero. 

FBI data shows that the national murder rate in the United States rose by 30% from 2019 to 2020. This is the largest, single year, murder rate increase ever recorded in the history of the United States. People are scared. People are dying. The world needs heroes that can help save it. A survey conducted by Gallup in 2020, showed that the nation's confidence in the police was at a record low. If we don't trust the police to protect us as murder rates rise, then who will fight to save the people?

Superhero movies are the highest grossing film franchises and series in 2022. The people of our nation are enthralled by superhero stories, because our nation wishes real superheroes existed to keep us safe. Superhero stories are escapist, wish fulfillment, fantasies. But why escape to a fantasy world, when we can instead make that fantasy a reality? 

If you truly believe that you possess spiritual gifts and want to make our nation a safer place to live in, then you should use your spiritual gifts to help protect the innocent. If you don't know what your spiritual gifts are, then you can take a spiritual gifts assessment from The Rock church that is available online at "www.giftstest.com". Superheroes don't have to be fictional. The nation can be a safer place. People don't have to be afraid. You can make a difference. You can become a hero. 

All you need to do is follow these simple steps. Step One: If you haven't already, take the assessment and discover what your spiritual gifts are. Step Two: Pray to the Lord for guidance on how to best use your spiritual gifts to help protect the nation. Step Three: Follow the Lord's guidance and become the superhero that our country needs to keep it safe. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I hope that it motivates you to do your part and use your gifts to help make the nation a better place.

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