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Monday, February 6, 2023

I Asked A Physicist To Help Me Power Scale OK KO

I Asked A Physicist To Help Me Power Scale OK KO 


This article is not AI generated. My last blog post was about how characters in OK KO possessed infinite durability and attack potency, as well as the ability to move at light speed. That last blog post is one of the most viewed posts on the blog. 

It is also one of the most controversial posts on the blog. I am currently in multiple Reddit debates about the claims made in my last post, so I thought it might be a good idea to try and address the criticisms my last post received in today's post. 

Fictional Black Holes vs Real Black Holes

I have been hearing people argue that you shouldn't take into account black hole related feats in fiction, because fictional black holes don't follow the same rules as black holes in real life. One Reddit user told me that because we can see the black hole in OK KO, that the black hole clearly doesn't work the same way as a real black hole and therefore cannot be compared to a real black hole. I disagree with this idea for a few reasons that I will go over now.

The black hole is shown, even though you can't see a black hole in real life, to give the audience a visual representation of what's happening. OK KO is a children's cartoon and it is excusable for it to show visual representations of what is happening so that its intended audience can understand what is going on. That shouldn't be a reason to discount this feat.

OK KO itself doesn't explicitly say that the black hole shown doesn't possess any properties that a normal black hole doesn't have, so I would argue that we shouldn't assume that the black hole shown doesn't possess the same properties that normal black holes have. 

Comment From An Actual Physicist On Black Holes

*This is just a fun and entertaining blog post that is applying scientific concepts to an inherently non-scientific fictional work. You cannot have an accurate scientific conversation about something that does not hold to scientific parameters.* 

I asked my friend Aidan Miller, who has a Bachelor's degree in physics, to weigh in on the black hole debate. He more or less said that we don't fully understand what happens to something after it falls past the event horizon of a black hole for a real black hole, so it would be extremely difficult to argue that what is presented in OK KO doesn't match what happens in real life. 

I showed him the clip of KO and Enid falling into the black hole, and he said that both KO and Enid appeared to be moving at faster than light speed. They both were being spaghetified by the black hole, and then resisted it effortlessly (no longer being spaghetified and casually talking/moving like normal). This puzzled Aidan at first, until I explained to him how powers work in the OK KO universe.

Familiarity with OK KO's power system allowed Aidan to accept that characters in OK KO, who gain their powers from an all powerful deity (The President Of The Universe), are capable of doing seemingly impossible things. I asked him pointblank, would you say that they demonstrated infinite durability. His response was more or less that you could say their durability is infinite, but that's mainly because we don't know where the number stops (referring to how strong tidal forces become when someone falls into the center of a black hole).

My interpretation of this is that he is essentially saying that you could argue that KO and Enid possess pseudoinfinite durability, or the ability to withstand a seemingly (but not in fact) endless amount of force. For the sake of argument, this doesn't make a lot of difference when arguing character durability. Whether a character has infinite durability, or in-determinant pseudoinfinite durability, they can still withstand seemingly endless amounts of force.



A physicist agrees with me that we shouldn't assume that the black hole in OK KO doesn't share properties with a real black hole. That same physicist argues that KO and Enid are shown moving at faster than light speeds during their withstanding a black hole feat, supporting my previous post's claim that characters in OK KO can move at light speed. Said physicist disagrees with the idea that the withstanding a black hole feat gives KO and Enid infinite durability, but he does support the idea that their durability could be described as pseudoinfinite.   

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