
Sunday, March 5, 2023

A Weird Poem About Writer's Block


I had writer's block today and couldn't really think of anything to write. I decided to write a really random poem about writer's block. This blog post is not AI generated.

Enjoy :)

A Weird Poem About Writer's Block

A writer's block is not one for building,
How ironic that a block could be so destructive,
So very difficult to overcome, utterly unyielding,
To an author, there is nothing more obstructive,

In quiet space without distraction,
The mind sits without action,
Not a single creative thought,
As frustration starts to boil and froth,

It is an all consuming illness,
Not a cough, sneeze, of fever,
It is dull thinking that one is ill with,
Though you wouldn't want a cold either,

Excuses, excuses, you say as you push yourself,
Elusive, so elusive, all signs of a crumb of inspiration,
You push, you shove, until your mind's on the edge of the shelf,
A search for inspiration, for your next creation, ends in exasperation,

What is a dark chasm where creativity goes to die,
Where a dreamer is left in panic, about to cry,
Where imaginary friends, meet an all too real end,
The void of the writer's block, where it is illegal to pretend,

Figments, figments, pictures in the brain,
Broken tracks, the derailment of the train,
The images, your muses, they all shy away,
Unable to think, you must write another day, 

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